Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Last Days?

My Friends,
Thus far this blog has been regarding silly things like lamps in the garage, video games, 8 bit music, and babbling.
But no more.
Today I find myself excited. I find myself terrified. Today I realize that the very thing I have dreamed about for years may finally happen. And I'm not talking about the birth of my child, but the birth of a new era.
I digress.
Cambodia, 2005. Victims of a new "flu-like" virus are dying after high-fevers and seizures. After Death however, unlike your typical toe-taggers, these victims were found to be snapping back! Not really alive, but awake and violent. Reacting spasmodically to the restarting of their heart via the bursting of several glands including adrenal. For up to 2 hours postmortem, these people have violent outburst of inhuman strength. They appear to feel no pain as they are functioning sans nervous system. Sounds like the undead? Is the undead.
2009. Our country is failing. Our president wanted (demanded) change. His supporters wanted change. Well, things have changed. Our economy is in a state we haven't seen since the 20s. How do you fix an economy? Any politician can tell you the best way to make money is to start a war; but let's face it. In this day and age, a war isn't exactly going to get the popular vote. So how do you fix a dying economy? Save a dying people and charge them accordingly. How much are you willing to pay to save your loved one's life?
So that settles it, right? Sell a miracle cure. But wait... you can't make a cure if you have no disease. And you can't make money by curing people once everyone's cured.
Enter H1N1.
This "Swine Flu" came out of nowhere. People were dying. Everyone who didn't was afraid of dying. Someone save us. We need a cure.
Ta-da! Cure found! Jump in line to get your H1N1 vaccine. New health for the whole family at the low, low price of about 25 dollars per.
(Let's slow down here for a second and do the math. At about 25 dollars per shot, assuming that everyone got the vaccine, that's a gross income of $7,601,493,100. As far national deficit goes it's only a drop in the bucket. But that's assuming it all goes to the government.)
Late 2009.
President Obama reveals his new health plan and is scoffed at by a large amount of people. It would seem that he doesn't have is act entirely together. Something needs to jump start this baby. "What would make EVERYONE need socialized health care?" Good marketing? no. A firm handshake and a promise? probably not. National Pandemic? Now you're talking!
What better way to save a failing (social) health care plan than to induce illness on people who can't afford to cure themselves to due pre-existing financial crisis?
So the H1N1 vaccine goes into play. People everywhere are getting vaccinated.
But people are still dying. Some within as little as a month, others within 10 days! And some of those even AFTER receiving the vaccine. What happened to our miracle cure?
It is reported that the developers of the H1N1 vaccine (AstraZeneca, Sanofi-Aventis, Novartis, and GlaxoSmithKline) won't take the "miracle cure"; even withholding it from their own families.
Now, ask yourself. If you had just made the cure to an illness that was this generations "black plague", wouldn't you want your family to be among the first to be saved? Of course you would.
The (reported) symptoms of H1N1 are astonishing. (

Trouble breathing, including rapid breathing.
Gray or bluish skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Sleeping constantly and not interacting when awake
Being especially irritable
Not urinating or no tears when crying
The symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

And you have to appreciate the foreshadowing from our good friend Dr. Margret Chan.
“The virus is now unstoppable.”

I firmly believe that we, the American People, are caught in the wake of a man's dying ego. An attempt to salvage pride, and assume control.
"Is the H1N1 a bio-weapon?"
We'll find out, assuming we live that long.
"Were that it is a bio-weapon, why test it here??"
It's free.

From this point forward, I plan on keeping anyone reading this as up to date as possible.
My name is Sidney Flint, and I refuse to get my flu shot.

1 comment:

  1. somewhere there is a person trying to give a speech that could mnake the difference between life and death...but can't find the words...because they are all here.
